(Chulalongkorn University)
Salt Farm Learning Center
“Salt farming” is a traditional occupation of Thai people that has been inherited for more than 600 years. It is an outdoor occupation that requires a lot of expertise and intelligence. But this seems to be gradually disappearing from Thailand. Nowadays the number of salt farmers has decreased dramatically, and outsiders also do not pay attention to it because there is no area open for people to come and get to know the salt farm.
“Salt Farm Learning Center” is not just a place to provide knowledge and experience about salt farming. But also presents the way of life-wisdom of the community to attract outsiders to pay attention, change perspective, see the value, and be a part of supporting the conservation of the salt farm. It is also an area for development, research, and exchange knowledge about salt and salt farming. It will be a center and public area for the community for events, relax, enhance creativity, and encourage life in the community. Keep the Salt farmers motivated, see the value of their career, and continue the way of salt farm.